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Secretary for Administration and Justice says “Macao must be guided by President Xi Jinping’s diplomatic ideas”

Macao should be guided by the civilised concepts of equality, mutual appreciation, dialogue and tolerance, says top official.



Macao should be guided by the civilised concepts of equality, mutual appreciation, dialogue and tolerance, says top official.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

Secretary for Administration and Justice André Cheong Weng Chon said yesterday that Macao needs to be guided by Xi Jinping’s ideas on diplomacy and seize the opportunity provided by China’s comprehensive openness to the outside world.

Speaking at the “Seminar on Xi Jinping’s Diplomatic Thought”, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cheong said that in the face of “the constantly changing international situation”, President Xi Jinping “accurately understood China’s historical orientation in the new era and the trend of global development”, having presented “a series of new ideas and proposals”.

According to Tribuna de Macau daily newspaper, the Secretary also said that in the process of building “a centre and a platform”, Macao “must understand the meaning of “building a new type of international relations” as well as strive to build a world tourism centre with a “broader international vision”.

Cheong said that Macao should be guided by the “civilised concept of equality, mutual appreciation, dialogue and tolerance”, promoting “the reinforcement of the dialogue between Chinese civilisation and civilisations around the world, so that exchanges between civilisations become a bridge to increase friendship between people from different countries, and allow countries to develop together”.

The Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Macao, Liu Xianfa, said that diplomacy related to Macao is an important part of the overall political configuration of the country, but it has also created a “good external environment” for the practice of “One Country, Two Systems”.

Liu also said that the principle of “Macao ruled by patriots” should be “firmly implemented”, safeguarding sovereignty, security and national development interests, and promoting Macao’s long-term prosperity and stability.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

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