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Sam Hou Fai is a ‘wise choice’ for CE, says the head of the Macanese Association

Macanese Association president Miguel de Senna Fernandes believes that Sam’s judicial experience will make him a thoughtful leader
  • Miguel de Senna Fernandes says that if Sam takes office, local residents will expect him to deal with middle-class issues and economic diversification





UPDATED: 02 Sep 2024, 3:47 pm

Sam Hou Fai, the former magistrate turned frontrunner of the upcoming Macao chief executive (CE) election, will make a good leader for the city, according to the president of the Macanese Association, Miguel de Senna Fernandes

In a recent TDM interview, the Macanese community representative described Sam as a “wise choice” and a “serene candidate” whose experience as a judge will enable him to thoughtfully consider the city’s various issues.

Responding to criticisms that Sam lacks administrative experience, Senna Fernandes said that this line of attack was “irrelevant,” as it is normal for one to lack experience in the beginning. 

The Macanese Association head also stated that if Sam does win office, a majority of local residents will expect him to deal with middle-class issues, particularly as they relate to economic diversification. 

Another prominent member of the local community who has expressed optimism with a potential Sam administration is lawmaker José Pereira Coutinho, who noted that the former judge would be meeting with legislators on 2 September. 

[See more: Sam Hou Fai cements frontrunner status, as more high-profile backers emerge]

“I hope that in the future, we have a more in-depth and close relationship, talking about the most important issues that affect the Macao community,” Coutinho said.

Indeed, Sam’s campaign office has made it clear that the 62-year-old wants to hear the opinions of different sectors of society. In a press release cited by various news organisation, the office shared its contact details publicly, calling for members of the public to provide their written suggestions via email ([email protected]), fax (2878 8392) or mail (Avenida da Praia Grande, No. 517 Edificio Comercial Nam Tung, 15 – AB Andar).  

Meanwhile, the CE election contender recently sent 400 letters to members of the CE election committee in order to obtain their support. He has also been taking part in various events with committee members in recent days to boost his prospects of becoming Macao’s next CE. 

A candidate who wishes to stand for the upcoming election on 13 October is required to gather at least 66 endorsements during the nomination period that began last Thursday and will end on 12 September.

While a number of individuals have collected the nomination form from the Public Administration Building (including Chinese medical practitioner Lei Kuong Un, and the head of the Association of Iron and Steel Shipowners, Wong Wai Man), Sam is currently the only serious potential candidate. Media reports have stated that he may be the only candidate standing for election, as was the case for all previous CE elections with the exception of the inaugural one in 1999. 

UPDATED: 02 Sep 2024, 3:47 pm

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