The disclosure was reportedly made in a position document, doubling down on penalties for unauthorised gambling laid down in a bill that passed on Wednesday
The chairman of Britcham Macao was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire at a ceremony in Windsor Castle on Wednesday
The disclosure was made by the acting president of the Court of Final Appeal, Song Man Lei, during her speech at a ceremony to mark the start of the judicial year
Gross gaming revenue for games of fortune for the third quarter came in at 55.6 billion patacas (US$6.9 billion), a slight quarterly decline, latest figures show
Yesterday’s housing ministry briefing promised to cut restrictions, remove price caps and expand the ‘whitelist’ scheme, but the markets were sceptical
The group of mayors and business leaders meet with the SAR’s top official on Wednesday to discuss Macao’s position as an economic bridge to mainland China
The new deal between Lisbon and Dili represents a 7 percent increase over the previous five-year aid programme
Demand for fresh water will outstrip supply by 40 percent by the end of this decade, according to the Global Commission on the Economics of Water
This year’s event sees a record turnout from exhibitors from the Greater Bay Area, as well as strong representation from Portuguese-speaking countries