The two satellites, in orbit since May, are now actively monitoring the South Atlantic Anomaly in a groundbreaking project carried out jointly by Macao and mainland China.
Latin America’s largest car market is spending more on Chinese autos than ever before, with Chinese brands accounting for over 50 percent of EVs sold.
Demand for the flats has been high, with local residents drawn by the development’s affordability and proximity to Macao.
The post-pandemic growth of the sector and its stellar performance compared to Hong Kong bode well.
Almost 1,250,000 people stayed at least one night in Macao during October, meaning the city’s 137 hotels were more than 82 percent full.
The need for lusophonic language skills will only increase, claim officials, who also promise support for students undertaking further education in Portugal.
The current average is less than four weeks, though it takes much longer for a first consultation with certain specialists.
Drivers, pedestrians, and bus users will be impacted by five months of construction that’s set to start this weekend.
The 628-million-carat mine is the southern African nation’s largest diamond mine to date and has an initial annual processing capacity of 4 million metric tons of ore.