The rare visit is a chance of rapprochement with Washington’s key Pacific allies amid increasing global tensions
A horrific collision in central Mozambique highlights a ‘truly worrying’ road safety situation in the southern African nation
Aside from humans, elephants are the only creatures to have been observed using individualised sounds to refer to each other, according to researchers
The index on the Macao peninsula fell by 2.4 percent in comparison to the previous period, while the figure in Taipa and Coloane remained almost unchanged.
This is the first time that Macao and Hong Kong have local residents participating in China’s space program as payload specialists
The Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said that Sino-Portuguese relations were “exemplary” and praised the local Portuguese community for facilitating the SAR’s development
The city’s official trade and exhibitions promotion body is to be revamped into the Investment Promotion Bureau from 1 July
Justice minister Rita Alarcão Júdice travelled to the SAR to attend ceremonies held to observe the National Day of Portugal
In a significant shift in India’s trade dynamics, China has reclaimed its position as India’s main trading partner, surpassing the United States