Several lawmakers Monday criticised the government for its alleged failure to supervise the city’s telecom services as there were five major network failures last year with telecom operator CTM having three of them, the last one in late December andrival operator Hutchison having two. During a Q&A session in the legislative hemicycle, directly-elected lawmaker Lee […]
The government said yesterday it expected a by-law on the supply of recycled water to be completed later this year and to put the service out to public tender next year. Maritime Administration (CP) Director Susana Wong Soi Man made the remarks during a press conference at the CPheadquarters in Barra, The Macau Post Daily […]
The Legislative Assembly (AL) Thursday passed the amended income and asset declaration bill drafted by the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) after its second reading and vote. Commissioner Against Corruption Vasco Fong Man Chong admitted during the meeting that the law was not a “panacea” which could cure all ills in society. The bill will take […]
Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On said in a New Year’s message that the government still needed to improve its administration. The Government Information Bureau (GCS) released Chui’s message Monday to mark New Year’s Day. Chui said in the message that the local economy and civil society had developed in a stable manner and continuously […]
Only about 35 percent of 798 local respondents said that they were very satisfied or satisfied with the overall performance of the government this year, according to the results of a survey released THursday. The survey also found that about 50 percent of the respondents said that the performance of the government this year was […]
Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On said that Macau would “face new opportunities but also higher risks” next year due to the “complexities in the global economy”. In face of doubts clouding the worldwide prospects, Chui said the administration would first ensure the stability of public finances and the employment of Macau residents. During his […]
Li Fei, deputy director of the Committee for the Macau Basic Law under the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), said Tuesday that the country’s two systems [the mainland’s socialist system and Macau’s capitalist system] should coordinate with each other rather than contradict each other. According to The Macau Post Daily, Li made […]
Macau, China, 18 Dec – Some 64 percent of local people are "happy" with the 10 years following Macau’s return to the China, according to a survey released Thursday by the General Association of Trade Unions of Macau (AGOM). According to The Macau Post Daily, 29 percent had ‘no comment," just five percent said they […]
A total 359 of the 364 members of the Electoral Committee to elect the local deputies to the National People’s Congress (NPC) Monday cast their votes for Macau’s 12 NPC deputies. Nine of the ballots were invalid. There were 15 candidates. Among the 12 elected NPC deputies, comprising four females and eight males, 10 were […]