The nine-floor luxury mall opens its doors amid a prolonged retail downturn in Macao, with local shoppers preferring to spend their patacas on the Chinese mainland
The campaign was originally scheduled for October, but has now been brought forward to later this month in response to the needs of struggling local businesses
The 2024 Global Legal & Sustainable Timber Forum will convene hundreds of delegates to discuss issues affecting sustainable forest management
The Mid-Autumn Festival will be here next week, meaning that boxes of traditional mooncakes are already piling up
The improved figure likely benefited from exporters ‘front-loading’ their products and a particularly poor period a year prior, however
It marks the first time the two rival superpowers have participated in any kind of joint military exercise since 2016
The resort, on the island of Samui, has partnered with ‘global cannabis brand’ Kanha to provide marijuana-based therapies
The 62-year-old former judge has earned 383 endorsements from members of the CE Election Committee or roughly 96 percent of the total
Recently confirmed cases of the disease have prompted Macao authorities to take preventive action against a wider spread