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More than 11,000 people from Macao live and work in the Hengqin area now

Ties between the SAR and Hengqin are growing, with the island’s affordable residential developments attracting people from Macao.





UPDATED: 04 Jan 2024, 8:02 am

A total of 11,104 Macao residents are currently living and working in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone, according to official data reported by various local media outlets. 

In addition, there are 266 Macao students and nearly 1,300 professionals who regularly cross the borders between Macao and the zone, located in Hengqin – an island that mostly falls under the administration of the mainland Chinese city of Zhuhai.

Many are attracted by affordable housing projects such as Hengqin’s Macau New Neighbourhood (MNN) development whose 4,279 units went on sale last November. 

[See more: Macau New Neighbourhood flats go on sale from tomorrow]

MNN’s project chief, Chan Ion Kei, was quoted by Macao Daily as saying there are currently around 1,000 prospective buyers for the flats. Construction is complete and a ceremony was held yesterday for the first seven buyers, who received the keys to their new homes. 

Attending the event was deputy secretary of the local Party Committee, Liu Weidong, who pointed out that the occasion was Guangdong’s first collaborative housing project and a watershed moment for Macao. 

Developed by the government-owned Macau Urban Renewal company, the MNN development consists of 27 towers that are eventually expected to house a community of up to 15,000 people. Various facilities, including a health centre and school, are planned for the site. 

UPDATED: 04 Jan 2024, 8:02 am

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