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Taiwan back on the international travel map

Macao residents will be allowed to transit under strict supervision, while anyone planning a longer stay will face two weeks’ quarantine in official accommodation.



Macao residents will be allowed to transit under strict supervision, while anyone planning a longer stay will face two weeks’ quarantine in official accommodation.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:09 am

Taiwan – a popular transit point for Macao residents on the move – is extending a cautious welcome to international travellers from next Monday, The Macau Post Daily reported.

The island’s Central Epidemic Command Centre (CECC) announced that it will lift its ban on the entry of non-locals who do not have a residency permit and will also permit non-local travellers to transit through Taipei’s Taoyuan International Airport.

CEEC head Chen Shi-chung said that the new ruling would not include tourists and persons on “social visits”.

The two measures cover foreign nationals as well as mainland, Hong Kong and Macao residents.

Airline passengers transferring from Taoyuan International to other destinations must take the same airline’s flights, and their layovers will be limited to less than eight hours.

Transit passengers must remain in a designated seating area at the airport and follow a dedicated route when passing through the airport.

Dining and shopping will be provided under the full supervision of specially trained staff, while the CECC will also make contingency plans in the event of flight delays or an abnormality detected in a transit passenger’s state of health.

The CECC underlined that in order to ensure continued epidemic prevention, all prospective visitors must provide a negative Covid-19 certificate in English within three days before their flight to Taiwan. Once they arrive in Taiwan, they must still undergo 14 days’ quarantine and make arrangements in advance to stay in officially approved quarantine accommodation.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:09 am

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