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Quotas for chopper rides raised to over 1,500

The processing of applications resumed for the coveted “Helicopter Ride Experience” local tour on Thursday afternoon, according to a statement by the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), which pointed out that applications can still be submitted to travel agencies until 6 pm on Sunday.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:44 am

The processing of applications resumed for the coveted “Helicopter Ride Experience” local tour on Thursday afternoon, according to a statement by the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), which pointed out that applications can still be submitted to travel agencies until 6 pm on Sunday. Applicants are required to choose the tour dates when submitting their application.

The number of quotas for the chopper ride has been increased from the original 700 to a total of 1,584, besides an increase in the number of tour dates which now include Wednesdays and Thursdays besides Fridays and weekends. The helicopter tour period runs from next Friday to 31 August.

Electronic lots for the helicopter rides will be cast at 2:30 pm on Monday (27 July) at the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO). The lucky draw will be witnessed by MGTO officials, the statement said.

According to the statement, all applicants will enter the lots directly. In accordance with the order of the lots’ results, applicants will be assigned their respective order of priority to sign up for the tour on the tour dates preselected upon application. If the quotas are full on their selected tour dates, applicants who are assigned their sequence numbers by the lots can opt for other tour dates, but they cannot amend their prior preference of tour dates unless the quotas are full.

The travel agencies concerned will notify applicants of the lots’ results, confirm their dates of participation and arrange for payments in respective order, the statement said.

Each applicant who is assigned a sequence number by the lots will be eligible for two quotas for the helicopter rides. If the tour chosen is already full so that there is only one seat left the applicants can be put on the waiting list to queue for any quotas left for two. If applicants with sequence numbers give up joining the tour, they will not be included in the waiting list again, the statement said.

(The Macau Post Daily/Macau News)
PHOTO © Daryl Chapman Photography

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:44 am

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