One more patient discharged, senior secondary students go back to school today and nearly 400 price hike complaints registered.
Two of Macau’s main border checkpoints will resume their normal operating hours at 6 a.m. Sunday.
Macau has had no new imported COVID-19 cases for 24 consecutive days since April 8 – one more discharged today.
Macau’s Health Bureau (SSM) announced today the launch of a digital colour code to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
The Health Bureau announced today two more COVID-19 relapses, bringing the total number of relapses among the 45 confirmed novel coronavirus disease cases to three.
2 patients more have been reconfirmed with COVID-19 today, while 2 more have been discharged. 11th mask distribution also begins on May 2 (Saturday).
Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng has called for Macau’s workforce to acquire new skills and knowledge and so complement the government’s effort in advancing the special administrative region’s adequate economic diversification.
Residents could enjoy their shopping activities, as the government’s consumption subsidy smartcard scheme starts today, provided that they continue to adhere to the government’s COVID-19 prevention measures.
The Lotus Cycling Track optimisation project in Taipa will be launched early this month to improve the facilities.