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Macau-Hong Kong airport bus service starts

A bus service between the Macau checkpoint of the Hong-Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge and Hong Kong’s international airport came into service on Monday.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:48 am

A bus service between the Macau checkpoint of the Hong-Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB) and Hong Kong’s international airport came into service on Monday, with 38 round trips per day from Mondays to Fridays, and 44 round trips per day from Saturdays to Sundays and on public holidays.

The new shuttle bus service runs 24 hours every day.

Previously those choosing to use public transport to the Hong Kong airport from Macau via the delta bridge could only use the bus service between the Macau checkpoint and the Hong Kong checkpoint of the bridge, after which they need to take public transport – such as public bus route B4 or taxis – from there to the airport in Chek Lap Kok. The delta bridge bus service, colloquially known as Golden Bus due to the fleet of buses being painted gold, runs around the clock every day.

According to the operator of the new HZMB Macau checkpoint-Hong Kong airport shuttle bus service – Hong Kong & Macau International Airport Transportation Service Company Limited, passengers using this new shuttle bus service for a trip from Macau to the Hong Kong airport have to get off the bus with their luggage when arriving at the HZMB Hong Kong checkpoint, and then re-board the same bus to the airport after passing through the HZMB Hong Kong checkpoint.

A one-way ticket is 185 patacas or HK dollars (or 170 yuan) for adults, and 120 patacas or HK dollars (or 110 yuan) for children aged up to three and senior citizens aged at least 65.

The new shuttle bus service was inaugurated outside the HZMB Macau checkpoint on Monday morning.

Representatives of the company said on Monday that a trip to the airport using the new service takes 55 minutes.

According to the Macau Post Daily, the company said on Monday that only after the completion of a project by Hong Kong airport, officially known as Intermodal Transfer Terminal, which is slated to be completed in 2022, will passengers be able to directly travel to the restricted area of the airport, without having to pass through Hong Kong immigration.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:48 am

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