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Islands Healthcare Complex in Cotai to open in phases next year

General hospital, logistics support building and administration wing completed on Friday following delays caused by Covid-19.



General hospital, logistics support building and administration wing completed on Friday following delays caused by Covid-19.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:32 am

The Islands Healthcare Complex in Cotai will open in phases next year following the completion of its three main buildings.

The Public Works Bureau (DSOP) announced last Friday that construction of the three buildings, a general hospital, a logistics support building and an administration and multi-purpose wing, which started in October 2019, had been “smoothly” completed earlier that day.

The whole Cotai hospital project has two phases – six buildings in the first phase and one in the second phase.

Islands Healthcare Complex - December 2022
Photo courtesy of Public Works Bureau

The first phase comprises the three main buildings, a nursing college, staff quarters and a central laboratory building.

The construction of the nursing college was completed in October 2019, while the construction of the staff quarters was completed in September this year.

According to the DSOP, the construction of the central laboratory building is due to be completed in March next year.

Construction workers have yet to break ground on the complex’s rehabilitation hospital.

The construction of the three main buildings was originally slated to have been completed in August this year, but this was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The DSOP said that the construction of the three main buildings was a large-scale project as they have a gross floor area of 276,500 square metres and the project also involved setting up a “complicated” electromechanical system.

The general hospital comprises an outpatient clinic tower and an emergency department tower that are connected to each other by a podium. The final “adjustment” and internal renovation work of the emergency department building is expected to be completed before the end of next month.

Following the completion of the central laboratory building project in the first half of next year, the whole first phase of the Cotai hospital complex will be complete.

The government has indicated that the Islands Healthcare Complex will start operating in phases next year, The Macau Post Daily reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:32 am

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