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Coronavirus patients will be discharged from hospital in the coming days

The nine coronavirus-infected patients in Macau will be discharged in the next few days.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

The nine coronavirus-infected patients in Macau will be discharged in the next few days, Chang Tam Fei, coordinator of the Emergency Services of the Conde de São Januário Hospital, announced Sunday in a press conference.

“The nine cases — 7 from Hubei and 2 from Macau — are in very stable clinical condition and their situation is mild. In the coming days, they will be discharged from the hospital and they will be able to leave,” he said.

Last Thursday, the first patient diagnosed with the virus — a 52-year-old woman from Hubei province — was discharged after half a month in the hospital.

Chang also said that some more tests are still needed before a final decison.

“I am optimistic. In due time, we will inform of the dates that they will be discharged.”

Lam Chong, director of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, says that although there have been no new cases for five days, there is no reason to lower the alert or be relaxed.

“We need to continue to stay at home and follow the measures put in force to combat the spread of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) in Macau,” he said.

PHOTO © China Daily

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

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