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Police hunt Cotai hotel murderer who strangled two women to death

Killer separately lured prostitute and illegal currency exchanger to his room before strangling them to death and fleeing with their personal possessions.



Killer separately lured prostitute and illegal currency exchanger to his room before strangling them to death and fleeing with their personal possessions.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:41 am


Last updated 10 May 2022 at 7:49 am

Detectives in Macao are intensifying the manhunt for the cold-blooded killer who lured two women to his room in the MGM Cotai and strangled them to death with a bathrobe cord.

Their naked bodies were discovered early on Saturday morning. According to media reports, the perpetrator stripped his victims of their valuables and attempted to erase any other clues.

CCTV footage revealed that the women most likely died ten hours apart. The first is believed to have been a prostitute, while the second is understood to have been an illegal currency exchanger.

Their naked corpses were found by the room’s window, with visible signs of strangulation on their necks.

Fire Services Bureau sent officers to the hotel upon receiving an ambulance service request, according to the Public Security Police (PSP), who also sent officers to the scene, where they found the two dead bodies. 

The PSP later passed the case to the Judiciary Police for criminal investigation.  

Preliminary forensic examinations found that both victims were strangled to death – one had a scratch wound on her arm with no other visible trauma or resistance wounds, The Macau Post Daily reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:41 am

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