Government decrees quarantinees must cough up for tests as it was their own decision to travel outside Macao.
Convicted of fraud, forgery and criminal association in the IPIM corruption scandal, Ng has been on the run from the law in mainland China.
From September, athletes at inter-school sports competitions must also be fully vaccinated; Macao’s jab rate tops 87%, with 30-49-year-olds at 99.9%.
Legislative committee recommends that records obtained without permission of judge should be destroyed within 72 hours.
First developed in mainland China in wake of 2003 SARS outbreak, pills recommended for treating mild or moderate Covid-19 cases.
Attracted by adverts for part-time jobs, victims were conned into making deposits, but ran into a brick wall when they asked for their money back.
Macao health officials ease cross-border travel restrictions after assessing latest Covid-19 developments in neighbouring regions.
Triple-jabbed, 41-year-old man urgently needed at city’s power stations, but will have to wait at the Public Health Clinical Centre in Coloane until given the all-clear.
Easter weekend drive at Macao Forum sees 4,700 over-threes get jabbed; eight more patients undergoing treatment in isolation.