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Mainland Chinese marathon runner becomes latest Covid-19 case

29-year-old woman shopped and ate in Cotai before taking part in race; classified as confirmed imported case; all seven Red Code Zones converted to Yellow.



29-year-old woman shopped and ate in Cotai before taking part in race; classified as confirmed imported case; all seven Red Code Zones converted to Yellow.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:33 am

Health officials have announced another Covid-19 case in the mini outbreak which started last Monday with a 74-year-old taxi driver.

The case is a 29-year-old woman who travelled to Macao from Guangzhou on 3 December, entering the Gongbei Border Checkpoint.

The following day she tested positive in a pool of mixed samples from the test carried out at a nucleic acid testing (NAT) station in Zhuhai. Health workers immediately contacted her, and after repeating the NAT in an individual sample tube, received a positive result. The woman had headaches and fatigue and was classified as a confirmed imported case. 

On 3 December, between 1 and 2 pm, she had a meal at the Lei Garden restaurant at The Venetian Macao, went shopping at the Chanel, Dior and DFS stores between 5 and 7 pm, and ate dinner at the Tim Ho Wan Restaurant at The Venetian Macao between 8 and 9 pm. On 4 December, at 6 am, she participated in the Half Marathon of the 2022 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon.

The Zhuhai Health Department also announced that on 3 December a person with a positive NAT result was in Macao. Health workers contacted the person in question, but he had already returned to mainland China, exiting via the Gongbei Border Post at noon. 

This case is about a 27-year-old woman. On the morning of 3 December, she left Guangzhou for Macao via Zhuhai, and at 7:40 am entered Macao via the Gongbei Border Checkpoint. She played at the casino in The Venetian Macao between 8 and 8:30 am, and then ate at Cafe Nam Peng between 9 and 9:40 am, and visited the New Yaohan Shopping Mall between 10:30 am and 12 pm.

In related news, all seven existing Red Code Zone residential buildings have been converted to Yellow Code meaning buildings are no longer locked down though residents will have to undergo four NATs within five days.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:33 am

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