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Macao’s Chief Executive takes part in Portugal and Camões Day celebrations 

The Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said that Sino-Portuguese relations were “exemplary” and praised the local Portuguese community for facilitating the SAR’s development
  • The Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities is held on 10 June each year, serving as Portugal’s National Day





Macao’s Chief Executive (CE) Ho Iat Seng praised China and Portugal’s strong bilateral relations and expressed his gratitude towards the local Portuguese community for supporting the city’s development during a reception held yesterday at the Portuguese consul-general’s residence to mark the Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities. 

According to a government statement, Ho said in his address that Sino-Portuguese relations were “an exemplary model of cooperation and exchange between two countries with different social systems, historic backgrounds, and territorial dimensions.”

The CE also highlighted Macao’s role in facilitating such robust ties in fields ranging from the economy and healthcare to education and science. Ho acknowledged the pivotal role of the local Portuguese community played in this area by stating that “these achievements are inseparable from the ceaseless efforts of the Portuguese communities in Macao…[who] have proven their tenacity, dedication and professionalism.”

Mention was made of the 6th Ministerial Conference of Forum Macao, which was held in the city this April, and helped to spur further cooperation between China and Lusophone nations in trade and people to people exchanges. 

[See more: Portugal’s justice minister visits Macao for Camões Day]

The event was also attended by dozens of representatives from Macao’s Portuguese community, including the consul general of Portugal in Macao and Hong Kong, Alexandre Leitão, and Portugal’s justice minister Rita Júdice Alarcão. 

As part of the occasion, a flag raising ceremony was also held at the Consulate-General. The festivities also included Portuguese dances, poem recitations and a pilgrimage to the Camões Grotto, where the renowned Portuguese poet Luís de Camões is thought by some to have written part of his magnum opus, The Lusiads.

During the celebration, Leitão said to local media that the Portuguese community’s presence in the city remained strong. “The number of people with Portuguese nationality in Macao registered with the consulate has clearly increased,” the Consulate General said. “Macao continues to be an attractive city, where more and more people from outside come here to work and enjoy life here, and are not competitors of local residents, as they come here to create more opportunities and invest. 

The Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities is the national day of Portugal but also serves as a commemorative event for Camões who some believe spent part of his life in Macao. This year’s celebration marks a major milestone, as it is the 500th anniversary of the poet. A wide range of events has been organised by the local government and the consulate as part of this occasion. 

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