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Artist explores his route through sound & visual arts

The OX Warehouse has invited mainland artist Feng Xiaofeng to join its Artist-in-Residence Programme entitled “A Route – Feng Xiaofeng Solo Exhibition”, co-sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Macao Foundation (FM), according to an article on the gallery’s Facebook page. 





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

The OX Warehouse has invited mainland artist Feng Xiaofeng to join its Artist-in-Residence Programme entitled “A Route – Feng Xiaofeng Solo Exhibition”, co-sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Macao Foundation (FM), according to an article on the gallery’s Facebook page.

Feng was born in Xuwen, Guangdong, in 1987. He graduated from the Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA) in 2012 and obtained a master’s degree in 2017.

“His creations have focused on multimedia interventions into sculptures in recent years,” the article states. “He uses musical instruments, installations, sounds, furniture or everyday objects as well as other elements and methods to create his artworks, re-deconstructing their attributes and definitions, thus blurring the objects’ original attributes, and with artistic languages, turning them into things of new definitions. Through exploring sound and visual arts, he defines his own artistic direction with sounds, time and image.”

The article points out that Feng explores sound as an artistic tool, mainly using such elements as local opera or objects, through the movement of a record player. When the original track deviates, new sounds are produced. The artist then records the movement and sounds in video, and finally accomplishes his work in the format of a video installation, according to the article.

“Feng’s sculptures, installations and video works constitute an exploration of societal and development trajectories that serves to link his imagination of the past and the future outwardly and inwardly in an artistic way,” the article underlines.

The exhibition is on display until 6 December on the ground floor of the Post-Ox Warehouse Experimental Site in 15 Rua do Volong, except Mondays, from noon to 8 pm daily. Admission is free.

Visitors are required to wear a facemask and apply hand sanitiser when entering the venue.

(The Macau Post Daily/Macau News)
PHOTO © OX Warehouse

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

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