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Macao restaurants hit with a 13 percent decline in receipts

Latest figures show a significant fall in takings this July, when compared with receipts recorded in the same month a year ago
  • Falling receipts are adding to the dining sector’s woes, alongside rising food costs and changing consumer behaviour





UPDATED: 20 Sep 2024, 8:38 am

Takings at restaurants in Macao in July fell by more than 13 percent compared to the same month last year, spelling further problems for the food service sector. 

Although receipts rose by nearly 7.5 percent compared to June, the bump comes amid several months of decline.

According to the Statistics and Census Service (known by the Portuguese initials DSEC), Chinese restaurants were especially hard hit, suffering an 18.3 percent drop in takings compared to July 2023. Japanese and Korean restaurants, and Western restaurants, were respectively hit with a 17 percent and a 14.2 decrease in receipts, year-on-year.

[See more: Macao’s independent restaurateurs are facing a catastrophic loss of business]

Restaurateurs interviewed by the DSEC in July were also in an uncertain mood, with 31 percent expecting that receipts would rise the following month, but 17 percent predicting that they would fall – in spite of the summer tourism boom.

Macao’s food service sector has been struggling with a significant loss of business, with mainland Chinese visitors – who make up the vast majority of tourists – spending less owing to the nation’s uncertain economic climate.

Meanwhile, local diners have been flocking to restaurants in nearby mainland cities, taking advantage of rapid transport links, greater variety and far cheaper prices.

UPDATED: 20 Sep 2024, 8:38 am

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