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A Hong Kong journalism lecturer has been denied entry to Macao

Vivian Tam was en route to the SAR to host a workshop on journalism ethics when border control denied her entry
  • The Macau Journalists Association says the authorities’ decision was an abuse of power based ‘on one-sided speculation’





UPDATED: 17 Jun 2024, 7:30 am

A Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) journalism lecturer was denied entry to Macao on Saturday on public order grounds, the South China Morning Post reports.

The lecturer, Vivian Tam, had been scheduled to host a workshop that afternoon on the topics of media ethics and how to responsibly interview vulnerable people. She is a former Ming Pao journalist who wrote a book detailing her experiences reporting on the mass protests that erupted in 2019 over Hong Kong’s controversial extradition bill.

The Macau Journalists Association is calling for an explanation of the decision to bar Tam from the city.

[See more: Macao police deny a Hong Kong musician’s account of his expulsion from the city]

“The authorities are abusing their power based on one-sided speculation with unbelievable law enforcement standards, seriously affecting normal professional exchange activities in the community,” the association said in a statement cited by the Post.

“Information about the workshop has already been made public on social media platforms and we believe that whether activities of this nature may actually endanger public security and order is a matter for society to decide,” the association said.

According to the Macau Journalists Association, Tam entered the city last year without encountering any issues. Neither Tam nor the Public Security Police Force have commented on the situation.

UPDATED: 17 Jun 2024, 7:30 am

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