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President Xi says Macau’s progress proves vitality of ‘one country, two systems’

Macao has made great achievements in economic and social development over the past 15 years, which is due to the full and correct implementation of the principle of “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law, President Xi Jinping said Friday. However, the president also reminded Macau that “opportunity waits for no one.” “Today, we […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:52 am

Macao has made great achievements in economic and social development over the past 15 years, which is due to the full and correct implementation of the principle of “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law, President Xi Jinping said Friday.

However, the president also reminded Macau that “opportunity waits for no one.”

“Today, we see a vibrant, stable and harmonious Macau by the South China Sea with a brand new look,” said the president who arrived by plane earlier in the day for celebrations marking the 15th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland.

He added that Macau’s success is also due to the unity and hard work of the local government and residents, as well as the strong backing of the central government and the whole nation.

Macau’s progress and achievements over the past 15 years fully demonstrate the strong vitality of the great concept of “one country, two systems,” Xi said in a key speech during a welcome banquet hosted by the local government.

At the same time, he said, “we are well aware that the practice of ‘one country, two systems,’ an undertaking with no precedent, will not be plain sailing.

“While scoring remarkable progress and achievements, Macau has its own share of problems to handle and faces numerous difficulties and challenges that must be properly managed.”

The important issue for Macau at present and for some time in the future is “how it can make greater progress on the basis of its achievements in the last 15 years and maintain long-term prosperity and stability,” Xi said.

For Macau to continue to break waves and sail forward, this issue must be properly addressed, he stressed.

“The more progress we make, the more enterprising we become,” said the president.

Xi quoted a local proverb that a table is not big enough to put on a good show. But, he said, what Macau has achieved in the past 15 years proves that with the right path, good policies, flexible moves and concerted efforts, “a great show can unfold even on a [single] table.”

“Encouraged by Macau’s progress and achievements, we have every reason to feel confident. But we should also be keenly aware of the new changes taking place both in and outside Macau. We need to see things from a holistic perspective and work together to build on what has been achieved.”

Xi pointed out that the mainland is currently in a crucial stage of endeavor to complete the building of a society of initial prosperity in all respects, comprehensively deepen reform and promote the rule of law.

This has provided tremendous opportunities and broad space for Macau’s development, Xi said.

“Opportunity waits for no one,” warned the president, calling on the Macau compatriots to make the best of the institutional advantages of the “one country, two systems” principle and seize the opportunities presented by the development of the motherland.

He urged local people to get on board the motherland’s “train of reform and development,” making solid efforts to achieve sustained and sound economic and social development in the region.

Macau people have developed a fine tradition of love for the motherland and Macau, inclusiveness and mutual assistance, and being practical and enterprising, Xi noted.

“This has been the sources of strength driving Macau’s development,” he said, adding, “we must cherish and carry on these precious traditions and keep in mind our country’s overall interests and Macau’s long-term interests.”

Xi also expressed belief that local people will work side by side with people in other parts of the nation to make new and greater contributions to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation.

Xi Jinping arrived in Macau Friday.

Xi will also attend the inauguration of the fourth-term government of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) today.

Upon arrival at the local airport, Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan were greeted by Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On and his wife Winnie Fok Wai Fun, and two Macau pupils who presented bouquets to them.

Xi shook hands with Edmund Ho Hau Wah, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and former chief executive, who, along with others, was at the airport to welcome the head of state.

Xi told reporters at the airport that he was delighted to visit Macau again since his last trip five years ago. (macaunews/macaupost)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:52 am

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