Macau, China 31 Mar- Ho Chio Meng, the Chief Procurator of the Special Administrative Region of Macau, received support from the Chinese Communist Youth League to become the future Chief Executive of the territory, reported Ponto Final newspaper in an article published last week. The Portuguese-language newspaper cited a report in China Profiles, which was […]
Macau, China, 30 Mar – Macau’s GDP fell 7.6 percent year-on-year in real terms in the fourth quarter of 2008, the first year-on-year negative growth over the past five year, according to figures released by the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) on Friday. For the whole of last year, GDP reached a record US$ 21,483 […]
Macau, China, 26 Mar – The government of Macau plans to reduce imported labour by at least a half to ensure work for Macau residents, according to a statement from the Government Information Bureau. The number of non-resident workers in Macau currently stands at 89,331 people, 15,000 less when compared to September, 2008. The Macau […]
Macau, China, 23 Mar – Businessman Ho Iat Seng, who has been mentioned as one of the potential candidates for the Chief Executive of the Special Administrative Region of Macau from 20 December 2009, said Monday that he was “not a candidate for the post.” Speaking to television station, Teledifusão de Macau (TDM) Ho Iat […]
Macau, China, 20 Mar – Macau’s government accumulated fiscal reserves reached US$ 6.55 billion (52.43 billion patacas) at the end of 2007, the latest year available for the data, Secretary for Economy and Finance Francis Tam Pak Yuen told the Legislative Assembly (AL) yesterday. Francis Tam revealed the figure during a report on the government’s […]
Macau, China, 19 Mar – Macau’s former Secretary of State for Transport and Public Works, Ao Man Long, apologised in court for the negative effects his behaviour had on the region’s image while he was a member of the government. In the final allegations of his second trail, which took place on Wednesday, Ao Man […]
Macau, China, 16 Mar – Macau’s Public Security Police (PSP) on Sunday stopped five politicians that reside in Hong Kong from entering Macau, based on Macau security law, according to a statement issued by the PSP. The five politicians from the Hong Kong Democratic Party were part of a group of 35 pro-democratic activists and […]
中国北京3月6日电-中国国务院总理温家宝周四在此间许诺,全力支持香港、澳门两个特别行政区积极应对国际金融危机。 温家宝在十一届全国人大二次会议上作政府工作报告时说,中央政府将加快加快推动港珠澳大桥、港深机场铁路、广深港高速铁路等基础设施建设。 他说,中央政府还将加快推进与港澳地区货物贸易的人民币结算试点。 他还称,政府还将扩大内地服务业对港澳的开放,采取有效措施支持港澳在内地企业特别是中小企业发展。 温家宝说,北京将帮助澳门促进经济适度多元发展。 “伟大祖国永远是香港、澳门的坚强后盾。 我们坚信,香港、澳门同胞一定能够克服面临的困难,开创更加美好的明天!” 这次工作报告中关于港澳工作的部分,是自2004年以来政府工作报告中,篇幅最长、文字最多的一次。 2008年政府工作报告只是简要地提到坚持“一国两制”方针,“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,严格按照特别行政区基本法办事。 同时,澳门特区行政长官何厚铧周四在北京与广东省省委书记汪洋会面,“双方均认为两地可在原有基础上加强合作,达至互补共赢”。 双方谈及粤澳共同推进落实《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要(2008-2020年) 》、促进澳门经济适度多元化、粤澳合作共同开发横琴、支持澳门民生事务(供水、供电、食品安全)等问题。 汪洋在会面中回顾了过去一年粤澳合作取得的成果,包括港珠澳大桥建设有实质进展,可望在今年内动工。 (MacauNews)
Macau, China, 5 March – The European Commission has a positive opinion about Macau, but hopes that the State Security Law does not jeopardise the fundamental rights and freedoms of the territory, according to the commission’s annual report. “The Commission hopes that the approval of the State Security Bill will not affect the fundamental right […]