The Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA) said in a statement Sunday that it has collected the opinions of the members of the government-appointed Tourism Development Council about its draft by-law regulating the management and operation of the city’s ferry terminals. According to the statement cited by The Macau Post Daily, the bureau’s staff members met […]
Transport Bureau (DSAT) Director Wong Wan told lawmakers Thursday that he was willing to take responsibility for Macau’s public bus service fiasco, acknowledging that he is in charge of matters related to transport in Macau and that he is the one who, with his team, makes the decisions and then proposes them to his superior. […]
A survey conducted by the private Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) found that Macau’s consumer confidence rebounded slightly in the fourth quarter last year from a consecutive three-quarter decline, while confidence in buying a flat was the second lowest record at 41.67, compared to the lowest 37.6 in the first quarter of 2010. […]
Transport Bureau (DSAT) Director Wong Wan said Tuesday his bureau had received an expression of interest in taking over the bus service which was originally operated by Reolian but that is currently operated by the government after the local-French company went belly up. However, Wong declined to provide more information about the potential investor, merely […]
The Macau Customs Service said yesterday that its officers and Public Security Police officers jointly busted three separate cases involving the selling of counterfeit products – Iphones and watches. A customs spokesperson made the announcement in a press conference. According to the spokesperson, three men from the mainland are suspects in the three separate cases. […]
Representatives from the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM), Health Bureau (SSM) and Customs Service held a joint press conference Monday in the IACM headquarters, pledging that the government will ensure that all imported poultry products will be safe and free from the avian flu virus. According to The Macau Post Daily, the conference was […]
SJM executive-cum-lawmaker Angela Leong On Kei called yesterday for the establishment of a community for casino workers, saying her plan would allow them to spend more time with their families. According to The Macau Post Daily, Leong made the appeal yesterday on the sidelines of a ceremony in Kam Pek Community Centre to donate training […]
Newly-appointed Chief Executive Electoral Management Committee President Song Man Lei said Monday that the city’s 825 associations which have the right to elect representatives to vote in the upcoming chief executive election can ask from April 14 for application forms for the election of 344 of the 400-member Chief Executive Election Commission. She also said […]
The Executive Council (ExCo) has finished discussing the government’s bill on the prevention and control of noise, in which traditional percussion pile drivers will be banned on construction sites. The bill also regulates the noise produced in residential buildings, such as disturbances at night. ExCo spokesman Leong Heng Teng and Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) Director […]