The Macau Chief Executive Chui Sai On and the Governor of Fujian Province Yu Weiguo said they planned to take part in the “One Belt, One Road” national initiative and expressed confidence in further development of bilateral cooperation.
Election candidates must declare all their campaign activities, such as travelling and hosting luncheons and dinners during the campaign period, to the Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee, the committee’s President Tong Hio Fong said on Thursday.
The Government Information Bureau (GCS) plans to provide information about the government on Facebook and Instagram, Victor Chan Chi Ping, who heads both the Government Information Bureau (GCS) and the Government Spokesperson’s Office, said on Tuesday.
Legislative Assembly (AL) President Ho Iat Seng said on Wednesday that he was confident that the bills which are being reviewed in the legislature’s standing committees can be resubmitted to the legislature’s plenum for their final article-by-article votes.
Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee President Tong Hio Fong said yesterday his committee would announce how to determine whether candidates are “sincere” about upholding the Macau Basic Law and have “true” allegiance to the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) after the issue has been discussed in future committee meetings.
Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai appointed on Wednesday Court of Second Instance (TSI) Judge Tong Hio Fong as the president of the Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) for this autumn’s direct and indirect legislative elections, according to yesterday’s Official Gazette (BO).
Lawmakers passed on Tuesday a motion by lawmaker-cum-unionist Jose Pereira Coutinho to express the legislature’s deep sorrow over the demise of former Portuguese president Mário Soares who passed away in Lisbon on January 7, aged 92.
The government should come up with a timetable to amend the Labour Relations Law concerning employees’ holiday entitlements and paternity leave, lawmaker-cum-unionist Ella Lei Cheng I said on Sunday.
Lei made the remarks on the sidelines of a two-month 2017 Union Day campaign, which started on sunday, organised by the Macau Federation of Trade Unions, at Macau Kung Luen Vocational & Technical Middle School.
Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On expressed on Sunday his deep sorrow over the passing of former Portuguese president Mário Soares.