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Ho announces political platform

Ho Iat Seng’s political platform is to focuses on economy and people’s livelihood.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:46 am

Ho Iat Seng, the candidate for the fifth-term chief executive of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR), announced his political platform on Saturday, which focuses on economy and people’s livelihood.

At a meeting held with the members of the Chief Executive Election Committee, Ho elaborated on his goals and plans for Macau’s future development if elected.

He said his decision to run for the post was made from his love for the country and deep feelings for Macau, with a strong desire to serve Macau residents.

Ho said his [English-language] motto for the election is “Unity and Effort, Change and Innovation.” Unity and effort is where Macau finds its strength, while change and innovation is what Macau needs to keep pace with the changing era, he said.

The candidate put forward his plans for future work in five sections, namely public governance, diversified economy, people’s livelihood, youth development, and cultural cooperation.

He said Macau would take the development of a world center of tourism and leisure, and the building of a service platform for trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries as the basis to promote an appropriately diversified and rational layout of its economic structure, and to realise its sustainable long-term development.

If elected. Ho said that he will accelerate the government’s public housing program, and address the housing needs of residents with different income levels, especially of the “sandwich class” who are neither eligible to apply for public housing nor able to afford private housing, and young people.

Ho also said he will improve the comprehensive quality and competitiveness of young people, implement active policies on youth employment and entrepreneurship, and actively encourage young people to participate in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA).

According to the Macau Post Daily, after the elaboration of his political platform, he also responded to the questions of some members of the Chief Executive Election Committee, concerning housing, education, employment, environmental protection, and the gaming industry.

The two-week election campaign started on Saturday. Ho’s campaign office will organise over 40 public activities during the period.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:46 am

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