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Fernando Chui Sai On sworn in as the new Macau Chief Executive

Macau, China, 20  Dec –  Fernando Chui Sai On was sworn in as the new Macau Special Administrative Region Chief Executive here Sunday morning. The swearing-in ceremony was administered by China’s President Hu Jintao. The new chief executive said in a speech that he will fully implement the Basic Law, push forward diversified development of […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:52 am

Macau, China, 20  Dec –  Fernando Chui Sai On was sworn in as the new Macau Special Administrative Region Chief Executive here Sunday morning.

The swearing-in ceremony was administered by China’s President Hu Jintao.

The new chief executive said in a speech that he will fully implement the Basic Law, push forward diversified development of Macao’s economy, and improve people’s livelihood.

Chui Sai On took over from Edmund Ho Hau Wah that governed Macau for 10 years since the administration became Chinese after more than 400 years of Portuguese presence.

The ceremony took place during  the celebrations marking the 10th aNiversary of Macau’s return to China and the inauguration of the third-term government of the Macau Special Administrative.

President Hu Jintao, who is also general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said in the ceremony that he was confident that the new government "will be able to unite and lead Macau people to build a better Macau".

The president said that the past decade after Macau’s return to China  witnessed the successful practice of "one country, two systems" in Macau, the smooth implementation of the Basic Law of the Macau SAR and the constant progress made by Macau people of all circles in pursuing a development road that conforms to Macau’ s realities.

"Important inspiration can be obtained by reviewing the uncommon process of the past decade since Macau’s return to the motherland," said Hu.

It is also imperative to act in strict accordance with the Basic Law of the Macau SAR, to focus on development, to maintain social harmony and stability and to cultivate talents, said the president.

The president pledged that all policies adopted by the central government on Hong Kong and Macao always adhere to the principles of benefiting the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macau, the improvement of the livelihood of all residents in Hong Kong and Macau as well as benefiting the common development of Hong Kong, Macao and the country.

Meanwhile President Hu Jintao, that arrived Saturday said during a banquet at night that the government will continue to fully support Macao’s economic development, improve living standards, push forward democratic advancement and promote harmony.

"Cooperation between Macao and the mainland will be deepened and relations with foreign countries is to be enhanced" he said.

President Hu Jintao also aNounced two giant pandas will be sent from China to Macao to celebrate the 10th aNiversary of the region’s return to China.

"The pandas will bring joy to the people of Macao," he said. But the president didn’t say when the pandas will be shipped to Macao.

During the visit President Hu Jintao inaugurated the Macau Science Center, inspected the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) garrison, visited the Hengqin island, where the future Macau University will be built, and attended a cultural gala.

President Hu JIntao will return today to Beijing.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:52 am

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