CEO Craig Billings said he saw ‘particular strength’ in the group’s mass gaming, luxury retail and hotel businesses in Macao.
The concessionaire just released its latest results, which included a dividend payment its chairman says demonstrates ‘confidence in the longer-term outlook of Macao.’
Community leader says residents must ‘not let one of Macao’s most famous transport systems die or be forgotten.’
Prices in the Macao Peninsula went down by slightly less than their Taipa and Coloane counterparts. The only uptick is in pre-sale residential units.
The Chinese-built airport promises to be a gamechanger in the southern African nation’s efforts to diversify its economy.
With the population ageing rapidly, Legislator Wong Kit Cheng says the government needs to offer additional incentives to residents to have children.
Minimum wage workers in the SAR will see a pay rise from the beginning of next year, and perhaps another one in the not so distant future.
Kenneth Feng, president and executive director, said the operator was excited about Macao’s continued recovery and diversification.
Casino staff face difficult working conditions and lack job security as Macao diversifies its economy – they deserve more, two lawmakers say.