The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) garrison barracks in Taipa will be given an additional 18,858 square metres of land for the stationing of more troops, putting in more training facilities and more storage space for equipment, Executive Council spokesman Leong Heng Teng announced in a press conference at Government House Thursday. Leong declined to say […]
According to a telephone survey conducted by the Association of Macau New Vision last week about the government’s political development process, 65.6 percent of the respondents replied they had no idea that the government was holding public consultations regarding changes to the methods of electing the lawmakers next year and the chief executive the year […]
Secretary for Economy and Finance Francis Tam Pak Yuen announced Monday that Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) Director Shuen Ka Hung will be replaced by Human Resources Office (GRH) Director Wong Chi Hong once Shuen takes up his new job as director-general of the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTM) next month. Tam spoke to […]
The majority of the opinions from the first of the 10 consultation sessions that the government hosted Thursday to gather public views on its proposal for the city’s political development showed that its so-called “+2+2” option, which means two more directly and two more indirectly-elected seats in the legislature while the current number of government-appointed […]
Local academic Ieong Tou Hong said Tuesday that under the 2011 Macau-Guangdong Framework Co-operation Agreement, Macau was aiming to become part of a “global city” conurbation. Ieong, who heads the Macau Economic Advancement Association explained that there are contributing factors to making a city or metropolitan area an internationally recognised world city such as whether […]
The government announced Monday that the number of duty-free cigarettes that each person can bring into Macau will be reduced to 100 from current 200 on the 1st of next month, according to an order signed by Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On published in the Official Gazette (BO). According to the order, the government […]
Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) Director Shuen Ka Hung said Sunday that recent figures of deaths caused by workplace accidents showed that the accident rate was not “that bad” as it had declined but he vowed that nevertheless his bureau would step up site inspections and run more training courses for construction workers. According to The […]
The Macau and Hong Kong special administrative regions (SARs) will have electoral councils consisting of 45 percent and 17 percent more people, respectively, to elect deputies to the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC), according to the draft methods submitted to China’s top legislature for examination Thursday. The Hong Kong SAR will have 36 deputies to […]
Consul-General to Hong Kong and Macau Yuji Kumamaru Wednesday thanked Macau personally for the donations raised by several local organisations, including the HK$4 million from the Macau Red Cross, for those affected by the earthquake and deadly tsunami that also led to a nuclear crisis after the tidal waves hit the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power […]