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Brazil-China relations enter “new stage of development”: Ambassador Zhu Qingqiao

Newly appointed ambassador has spent almost half of 30-year diplomatic career in Brazil; says bilateral relations have become increasingly mature and stable.



Newly appointed ambassador has spent almost half of 30-year diplomatic career in Brazil; says bilateral relations have become increasingly mature and stable.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:31 am

The Brazil-China Strategic Partnership is entering “a new stage of development with a promising future”, according to the new Chinese ambassador to Brazil, Zhu Qingqiao. 

Addressing the Brazilian community at the start of his tenure, Zhu recalled that he had spent almost half of his 30-year diplomatic career in Brazil, where he had witnessed the country’s rise as an emerging power, and participated in important events in the relations between the two countries. 

“China and Brazil are large countries of international relevance. Over the half-century since the establishment of our diplomatic ties, bilateral relations have become increasingly mature and stable, with growing global and strategic influence,” said the ambassador. 

Zhu added that the important relations between China and Brazil “foster the development and prosperity of both countries, being an example of equitable partnership and mutual gains between nations of the global south”, contributing significantly to peace and progress worldwide. 

“It is a great privilege to assume the leadership of this Embassy at such a special moment and, therefore, I also understand the great responsibility of this post. I come with enthusiasm and goodwill to promote bilateral cooperation,” said Zhu. 

“I carry in my heart a deep affinity for this vibrant land and a great respect for its warm and welcoming people.

“I hope to work with Brazilian friends from all sectors to write a beautiful chapter in the new era of relations between China and Brazil.”

Zhu Qingqiao held various positions at the Chinese Embassy in Brazil between 1996 and 2003. 

He returned to Brazil in 2009, as minister-counsellor, and stayed in the country until 2014. 

In December 2022, he returned to Brazil as ambassador of the People’s Republic of China.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:31 am

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