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Recent phone scammers not from mainland says police

The Judiciary Police believe that the fraudsters in the recent wave of phone scams made the calls from foreign countries and not the mainland





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:50 am

The Judiciary Police (PJ) believe that the fraudsters in the recent wave of phone scams made the calls from foreign countries and not the mainland, PJ spokesman Choi Ian Fai said during a regular press conference on Wednesday.

According to the Macau Post Daily, the Judiciary Police have said that phone scam cases have been reported “frequently” since early this year. The first wave of phone scams occurred in March and April, the police have said.

The police have said that the second wave of phone scam cases started on July 20. In most of the reported phone scam cases this year, fraudsters pretended to be local or mainland police officers.

Choi said that the local police have been in close contact with their Guangdong counterparts with the aim of combating phone scams and preventing local residents from being cheated by phone scam fraudsters.

Choi also said the two police forces have been jointly investigating phone scams that happened in both places, adding that they have recently made some progress in their investigation.

Choi said that preliminary results of the two police forces’ joint investigation showed that the phone scammers in the recent wave were not calling from the mainland.

Choi said the two police forces believe it was likely that the phone scam fraudsters called from Southeast Asia nations or other foreign countries.

Choi said the Judiciary Police would announce further details after the two police forces have acquired more information from their investigation.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:50 am

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