Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosário said on Thursday that the government will sign new service contracts with the city’s two public bus operators – Transmac and TCM – later this month or next month, according to which all their buses will have to be eco-friendly by 2024.
China’s Minister of Commerce and the Macao Chief Executive have both commended Macao’s efforts and achievements in the fight against COVID-19.
The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement on Thursday that it has suspended frozen poultry imports from an exporter in Brazil after Shenzhen found COVID-19 on their frozen chicken wings.
The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) broke out and a war without fire between humanity and a deadly infectious virus erupted, putting health workers around the world at the forefront of the battle to protect citizens.
Hong Kong confirms today another 69 coronavirus cases on Thursday and two fatalities.
Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) Chairman Lui Che Woo said today that “the Macao government continues to perform admirably throughout the [Covid-19] pandemic”.
Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said on Wednesday that Macao has been doing great at its Covid-19 prevention work, yet the “last kilometre” of the city’s Covid-19 battle has just started.
A 65-year-old local man was diagnosed with Legionnaire’s disease on Tuesday, marking the fourth such case this year, Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement Wednesday night.
The main structure of the ongoing infectious disease centre project next to the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre is expected to get off the ground in the first quarter of next year.