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Mainland Chinese man hangs himself from tree at Hac Sa Reservoir

51-year-old found by passerby; no suicide note, but police confirm marks on neck and rope matched; autopsy follows.



51-year-old found by passerby; no suicide note, but police confirm marks on neck and rope matched; autopsy follows.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:33 am

A 51-year-old mainland Chinese man is believed to have committed suicide yesterday by hanging himself from a tree at the Hac Sa Reservoir Fitness Walk.

The suicide was the second this week in Macao, and follows last month’s report that the city’s suicide rate had increased by 71 per cent year-on-year.

The Judiciary Police (PJ) said that the deceased was surnamed Feng.

According to the PJ, a man found Feng hanging from the tree shortly before noon yesterday and immediately informed a security guard at the Hac Sa Reservoir. Paramedics rushed to the scene and confirmed that Feng was dead.

PJ officers saw marks on Feng’s neck, and confirmed that they matched the rope that he had used to hang himself.

No suicide note was found at the scene. A post-mortem will be performed to ascertain the exact cause of death, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:33 am

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