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Mostly female and glued to Facebook: A snapshot of social media usage in Macao

A new study uncovers the social media habits of Macao residents, breaking down the data by age, gender and preferred social media platform.



A new study uncovers the social media habits of Macao residents, breaking down the data by age, gender and preferred social media platform.



UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:28 pm

Social networks in Macau have 386,400 users, equivalent to more than 55 percent of the population. That’s according to a study on Internet usage in the territory, reported in the Portuguese-language Jornal Tribuna de Macau.

The study, by the Kepios consultancy, took a snapshot of the online habits of Macao residents in January of this year, and found that during that month “62.4 percent of the total Internet user base in Macao (regardless of age) used at least one social network.” 

Of social media users, 55.7 percent were women, while 44.3 percent were men. In terms of age, researchers found that 375,500 users of social media in Macau were over 18 – equivalent to 64.7 percent of the total adult population.

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The overwhelming majority of social media users, 99.5 percent, accessed their preferred platforms via mobile phone.

By analysing published data, the study concluded that Facebook was Macao’s preferred platform, with 303,400 users. Instagram came in second place with 194,200 users. 

LinkedIn claimed to have 140,000 users locally, while X (formerly known as Twitter) reportedly has 102,100 users.

However, researchers cautioned that it was “important to note that users may not represent unique individuals” but instead be multiple accounts operated by fewer users.


UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:28 pm

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