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Macau Government confirms 6th imported dengue case

The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement on Saturday that it has recorded the sixth imported case of dengue fever this year.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement on Saturday that it has recorded the sixth imported case of dengue fever this year.

According to the statement, the patient is a 44-year-old local woman who lives in Rua da Bacia Sul on the peninsula and works in Avenida dos Jardins do Oceano in Taipa.

The patient visited Jakarta between August 15 and September 3.

Since August 27 she has been suffering from symptoms such as fever, muscle pain, and skin rash. However, she didn’t visit any doctor in the Southeast Asian country. After returning to the city, she went to a local health care centre for treatment last Tuesday and was diagnosed with a dengue fever by the bureau’s Public Health Laboratory on Friday.

The statement also said that the bureau will send its staff to the patient’s living and working areas to eliminate mosquitoes. The bureau also appealed to the patient’s neighbours to cooperate and take measures to get rid of mosquitoes.

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

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