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Government seizes back vacant plot on Avenida Olímpica in Taipa

Long one of the city’s worst eyesores, the plot was originally intended for a commercial and residential complex.



Long one of the city’s worst eyesores, the plot was originally intended for a commercial and residential complex.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:47 am

Government officials have repossessed a large vacant plot on Avenida Olímpica in Taipa.

The 23,324 square metre plot, which was littered with rusting machinery and scrap, had long been a blot on the landscape hard by one of Taipa’s main tourist attractions, Rua do Cunha food street.

According to the Lands, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT), the area comprises a plot of 19,620 square metres whose land concession had previously been annulled by the government and a government-owned plot of 3,704 square metres which had been illegally occupied. 

According to the DSSOPT, the government had ordered the leaseholder and occupants to clear all their items and return the plots by a specified deadline.

The leaseholder had cleared most of the items, but a small area was still occupied after the deadline. Consequently, DSSOPT staff and officials from several other entities took action on Monday and repossessed the plots, which are located opposite Flower City Garden.

The government annulled the larger plot’s land concession in March last year, as the leaseholder had failed to develop the plot listed in the concession agreement within the contractual period.

The plot, whose provisional concession expired in 2006, was initially slated for a commercial-cum-residential project.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:47 am

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