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Brother and sister found dead in Rua da Penha flat

Firefighters force entry to flat of 70-something siblings; female had been dead for over ‘a month’, disabled male died ‘a while ago’. Autopsy follows.



Firefighters force entry to flat of 70-something siblings; female had been dead for over ‘a month’, disabled male died ‘a while ago’. Autopsy follows.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:50 am

A 78-year-old woman and her 74-year-old brother were found dead in their flat in Rua da Penha yesterday, the Judiciary Police (PJ) have announced.

The two lived together in the flat, which is located near Penha Hill. The man suffered from reduced mobility and needed long-term care from his sister, police said.

The Fire Services Bureau (CB) transferred the case of the discovery of two bodies to the Judiciary Police for follow-up investigation at around 4:45 pm yesterday, the statement said.

A neighbour who had not seen the siblings for some time, called the emergency services yesterday afternoon after “worrying about their safety”.

Firefighters and paramedics arrived at the scene, and saw through a window a body lying in a bedroom.

They broke into the flat by forcing its metal gate and wooden door. Inside, they found a man lying in one bedroom and a woman lying in another.

Police said that no obvious signs of a struggle were found in the flat, neither were there any other suspicious circumstances found at the scene.

After initial examinations of the two bodies, PJ forensic pathologists believed that the woman had been dead for over one month and the man had been dead “for a while”.

Their examinations also showed that neither had any injuries that could have been caused by foul play, and neither had any suspicious injuries.

As the man had reduced mobility, he had always stayed at home, rarely leaving the flat. The man needed long-term care from his sister for basic daily activities, police said.

The autopsies will be carried out to confirm the respective exact causes of the siblings’ deaths, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:50 am

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