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Visitors to Land and Urban Construction Bureau on 14-15 Nov must do four NATs in 5 days

Staff who work on building’s other floors need to undergo daily NAT, plus daily RAT if they have to go to work, over next three days.



Staff who work on building’s other floors need to undergo daily NAT, plus daily RAT if they have to go to work, over next three days.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:35 am

Anyone who has visited the Land and Urban Construction Bureau’s (DSSCU) headquarters on Estrada de D. Maria II, No 33 anytime from 14-15 November must undergo four nucleic acid tests (NAT) in five days starting today, the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre announced.

They must do the NATs on the first, second, third and fifth day. The measure has been activated as Macao’s latest Covid-19 case involves a male head security guard at the bureau, who visits different floors of the building during his working day. 

People who have visited the bureau during the specified dates now have their Macao Health Codes converted to yellow, including the bureau’s employees and visitors. Among them, those who need to work over the next five days must also take a daily rapid antigen test (RAT) before going to work. 

As the bureau is housed in a shared government departments’ building, everyone else who works in or has visited the building’s other floors on the specified dates must undergo a daily NAT over the next three days, but their health codes will remain green. However, they too must take a daily RAT before going to work for the next three days.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:35 am

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