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Sixteen batches of pooled Covid-19 samples test positive so far; up from previous 11 batches

Citizens who queued for their NATs at the listed times and places can conduct a self-antigen test within two days after their NAT and upload their results online.



Citizens who queued for their NATs at the listed times and places can conduct a self-antigen test within two days after their NAT and upload their results online.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

By 9 am this morning, 654,348 people had undergone nucleic acid tests (NATs) as part of the city-wide scheme launched at noon on Sunday, the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre has reported. Test results for 488,721 people all showed up negative.

However 16 batches of 10 samples – up from the previous 11 batches – are being re-checked after there was a positive indication in all of them both during the initial and second tests. A further one-sample testing is currently underway to find the individuals who tested positive among the samples. The five additional batches’ sampling locations and times are still being compiled by authorities.

The sampling locations and times of the preliminary Covid-19 positive samples were (new batches in bold as of 10 pm on 20 June) :

19 June

– Kiang Wu Hospital Testing Station at around 12 pm;
– The Venetian Macao Testing Station at around 12:30 pm and 7 pm;
– Macau University of Science and Technology Hospital Testing Station at around 3:20 pm;
– Keang Peng School – Secondary Section Testing Station at around 4:25 pm;

– Mong-Ha Sports Center Testing Station at around 4:40 pm;
– Dom Bosco College (Yuet Wah) Testing Station at around 6 pm;
– Academy of Public Security Forces Testing Station at around 7:25 pm;

20 June

– Kwong Tai Middle School at around midnight;
Kindergarten of Lou Hau School Testing Station at around 3 am;
– Women’s General Association of Macau Multi-Service Building Testing Station at around 10:45 am

Citizens who queued for their NATs at the above times and places can conduct a self-antigen test within two days after their NAT and upload their results on this link.

In light of the rapid spread of the epidemic in Macao over the weekend, the Centre is calling on the public to make an appointment to complete the city-wide test as soon as possible, to allow health workers to detect risks and hidden cases, and prevent the spread of the virus in the community. 

Test results are not displayed on the health code and cannot be used for customs clearance. However, the results of self-funded inspection stations can be used for customs clearance, but appointment arrangements must be strictly implemented. 

The Centre has reminded the public that anyone in Macao who has not been tested after 12 noon today will have their health code turned to yellow, and will be sent by the police to the designated location for testing, where they will wait until the test result is negative. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

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