Falling out of love with a pair of jeans is no reason to throw them away, but nor should you hoard them forever. Consider donating your used clothes to one of these second-hand stores instead.
Health officials sound all-clear after mainland Chinese tourist Covid-19 case caused thousands to test four times since last Saturday.
Man lives in Zhuhai but comes to Macao daily; cross-border travellers’ negative NAT result extended till next Wednesday.
Health Bureau drawing up plans to inoculate residents: one vaccine for children and another for over-12s who have had their first jab.
Infection detected at early stage, risk of community transmission low despite extensive travel history in Macao, health officials say.
New measure sparked by severity of pandemic across the border; anyone failing to take test will see health code turn yellow on fourth day, red on fifth.
Testing continues in three key areas after Covid-19 case detected on Saturday; government criticised for allowing music fest to go ahead at Ruins of St Paul’s.
Three key areas on Macao peninsula announced after 60-year-old traveller tests positive for Covid-19
Anyone who lives or has stayed in key areas for more than 30 minutes will have to undergo 4 NATs daily over the next five days starting today.
60-year-old symptomatic woman went all around Macao – from cultural landmarks to Cotai hotels – before testing positive today; Harbourview Hotel sealed off while Sir Robert Ho Tung Library and Macao Museum closed for disinfection.