Under the scheme, eligible households are able to claim a monthly payment of up to 200 patacas, deducted from their power bills.
The suspect in a brutal attack last week had previously gone to court on a domestic violence charge but was reportedly acquitted when the victim refused to testify.
The annual cash handouts have been made to the territory’s permanent and non-permanent residents since 2008.
From 30 June, electronic identity documents will be accepted at border crossings and for certain other official transactions.
Around 4,000 two-bedroom and three-bedroom units will be available to qualified buyers, with an estimated price of 33,480 patacas per square metre.
The launch of the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Advanced Materials has been described as a research milestone for the territory.
But activists say the government is not acting fast enough, or aggressively enough, to restrict the import of single-use plastics, given that the city generates more municipal waste than its neighbours.
The head of a local civil servants association says official inflation figures, which are very low, are not an accurate reflection of actual price hikes.
An exhibition about the history of boatbuilding in the area, plus space for a craft market and live music, will be launched this weekend.