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Mong Ha vaccination station to close starting Monday

Macao’s vaccination rate nudging 90%; under-used facility closing to make better use of Health Bureau human resources.



Macao’s vaccination rate nudging 90%; under-used facility closing to make better use of Health Bureau human resources.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:46 am

The Covid-19 vaccination station on the ground floor of the Mong Ha Sports Centre will close from Monday, reducing the number of regular Covid-19 inoculation facilities from 18 to 17.

Health officials said that less than 100 people get vaccinated at the facility daily, and many places are available elsewhere, as Macao’s Covid-19 vaccination rate has now reached 89.42 per cent.

The Health Bureau (SSM) has decided to close the Mong Ha vaccination station, which will be returned to the Sports Bureau, with the aim of making better use of its human resources.

The SSM has been operating the Mong Ha vaccination station in collaboration with the Kiang Wu Hospital.

The hospital will inform those who have booked a Covid-19 jab at Mong Ha for Monday next week or after about the new schedule and venue for their inoculations.

The Mong Ha facility is used for the administration of the Sinopharm inactivated vaccine only. 

The Kiang Wu Hospital runs a Covid-19 vaccination station on its premises, also only for Sinopharm inoculations, The Macau Post Daily reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:46 am

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