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Macao records its lowest temperature this winter

It’s another chilly day for the SAR, but meteorologists say the winter monsoon sweeping across Southern China will slowly dissipate this week.





UPDATED: 24 Jan 2024, 3:32 pm

The mercury at the Taipa Grande Observatory fell to 4.3°C at 7:08 am today, says the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (commonly referred to by its Portuguese initials SMG). The bureau notes that this is the lowest temperature recorded this winter. 

“Due to the influence of an intense winter monsoon, the weather in Macao is expected to remain cold this week,” SMG spokesperson Vera Varela told local broadcaster, TDM. She also stressed that the cloudy and rainy weather during this period will intensify “the cold sensation.” 

According to the bureau, the weather is expected to be cold, dry and cloudy today, with temperatures hovering between 4°C to 10°C.

[See more: Mercury plunges to 5°C as winter monsoon sweeps through Macao]

The weather is expected to gradually warm up after tomorrow, with the SMG’s forecasting a high of 21°C by next Tuesday. Despite the weakening of the winter monsoon, temperatures during mornings and evenings are still expected to be cool. 

Currently, the orange cold weather alert is still in place, with various government departments advising residents to wrap up. The Ilha Verde shelter is also open in response to the sudden dip in temperature. 

Many other places across Southern China have also recorded cold weather. Temperatures on Hong Kong’s highest peak Tai Mo Shan fell to -2.4°C yesterday. Some areas in Guangdong’s north have also seen sub-zero temperatures. 

UPDATED: 24 Jan 2024, 3:32 pm

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