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Inspectors to step up monitoring of shops’ Covid-19 precautions

Supermarkets and other retail outlets advised to employ more cleaners, check customers’ Health Codes and ventilate their premises thoroughly.



Supermarkets and other retail outlets advised to employ more cleaners, check customers’ Health Codes and ventilate their premises thoroughly.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:43 am

Government inspectors will be targeting Macao’s shops and supermarkets over the coming days to make sure they are adhering to Covid-19 prevention measures.

The Consumer Council (CC) and the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) have urged retail outlets to send more workers to clean and disinfect their premises and goods frequently, check customers’ temperatures and Macao Health Codes and ensure adequate ventilation and customer flow.

Shoppers have been advised to scan the contact-tracing-function QR codes when they enter shops in accordance with the government’s anti-epidemic measures.

Managers at retail outlets have been told to provide their staff with high-standard protective equipment and pay extra attention to their health condition.

Residents have been urged to shop during off-peak hours, and avoid venues that are crowded.

Both the CC and the DSEDT underlined that people should adopt good personal protection, such as wearing KN95 facemasks, maintain a one-metre distance from each other and scan venue codes when leaving home, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:43 am

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