Adelson is reportedly selling 10 percent of her stake in order to fund the purchase of the NBA team Dallas Mavericks.
The latest jobs survey shows increased demand for hospitality staff as the city’s tourism industry bounces back.
The post-pandemic growth of the sector and its stellar performance compared to Hong Kong bode well.
Almost 1,250,000 people stayed at least one night in Macao during October, meaning the city’s 137 hotels were more than 82 percent full.
Ji Xiabo, whose whereabouts are unknown, is the latest high-profile junket operator to have run foul of the law.
Each licence allows the holder to run a fleet of 50 taxis, meaning the SAR could soon have 500 desperately needed new cabs on the streets.
After a one month hold up, Macao residents are now able to fly directly to the Indonesian capital, with services scheduled three times a week.
October’s composite consumer price index saw a 1.10 percent year-on-year rise, with tuition fees experiencing the biggest price hike.
The development in Hengqin comprises more than 4,200 units spread over 27 residential towers, as well as a school and community facilities.