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Beijing approves blueprint for ‘Greater Bay Area’ to rival with document expected to be released on February 21

Beijing has just approved a much-awaited blueprint to create an IT-led economic powerhouse in southern China after ironing out intricate competition and technical issues, and will unveil it in late February.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:48 am

Beijing has just approved a much-awaited blueprint to create an IT-led economic powerhouse in southern China after ironing out intricate competition and technical issues, and will unveil it in late February, the South China Morning Post(SCMP) said today.

Chinese Vice-Premier Han Zheng, the point man on Hong Kong and Macau affairs, recently gave the green light to the official document on the “Greater Bay Area” following extensive consultations with local governments, a Beijing source said to SCMP.

“No party or agenda, including even environmental protection, will be left behind by this all-inclusive blueprint,” the official said.

Another source said the details were expected to be disclosed on February 21, barring unforeseen circumstances, or before the start of the annual sessions of China’s top legislative and advisory bodies, known as the Two Sessions, on March 5.

Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office director Zhang Xiaoming revealed on Saturday that the blueprint had been completed as “big progress” was made last year.

More than three years in the making, the Greater Bay Area was first mentioned in a development action plan jointly outlined by China’s top authorities on economic planning, commerce and foreign affairs to create a new economic growth engine by pooling together Hong Kong, Macau and nine neighbouring cities in Guangdong province.

The mega zone covers 56,500 square kilometres, has a combined population of about 67.6 million and accounted for 12.5 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product in 2016.

Macau Chief Executive and Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor has taken part in discussions on the scheme since August last year joining a leading group under China’s cabinet, the State Council.

Authorities were now working on the implementation plan, Zhang said in an interview with state broadcaster CCTV which was aired on Saturday night.

Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou and Shenzhen would be the central cities in the bay area, and each had their own unique positioning, he said.

Hong Kong will be the international finance, navigation and trade centre, as well as a transport hub. It will have the role of pushing finance, trade, logistics and professional services towards the high-end market.

Macau will be an international tourism city and a platform for trade with Portuguese-speaking countries.

Guangzhou will take a leading role as a national central city while Shenzhen will take a leading role as a special economic region and an innovative city, he said.

The planners hope the advantages these four cities enjoy can complement each other and offset the challenges brought by gaps in the legal and economic systems.

The plan is to integrate the 11 neighbouring cities into an IT-led economic powerhouse.

The international network and mature market economy of Hong Kong and Macau could have big potential when combined with the vast hinterland and market Guangzhou enjoyed, Han Zhang said.

“Under the new circumstances, Hong Kong and Macau still have their unique position and advantages that cannot be replaced,” Zhang said.

He revealed for the first time that there were almost 100,000 Hong Kong residents and nearly 20,000 Macau residents who had applied for a new identity card that would grant them access to a wide range of social and public services on the mainland. The arrangement was introduced on September 1 last year.

An internal study by an official think tank seen by the South China Morning Post said the crux of the Greater Bay Area integration was about putting “one country, two systems” into practice but differences in economic, tax, customs and legal systems that would ensure Hong Kong and Macau’s high degree autonomy have remained key challenges.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:48 am

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