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Camel milk may be a healthier option than cow’s milk, research finds

  • A new study has found that camel milk contains a higher number of proteins than cow milk, fewer allergens and healthy compounds
  • The researchers noted that more tests needed to be done before they can recommend the world to change its milk-drinking habits





UPDATED: 28 Jan 2025, 3:41 pm

Tired of drinking 2 percent? It could be time to consider an unexpected alternative. 

According to a new paper published in the academic journal Food Chemistry, camel milk could be more nutritious than traditional cow milk. 

Conducted by Australian researchers at the Edith Cowan University, the study found that camel milk features a greater amount of healthy organic substances called bioactive peptides than its bovine counterpart.

“These bioactive peptides can selectively inhibit certain pathogens, and by doing so, create a healthy gut environment and also has the potential to decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in future,” Manujaya Jayamanna Mohottige, one of the study’s writers, explained in an interview

Despite this discovery, Mohottige pointed out that more testing needed to be conducted on the potency of the bioactive peptides present in camel milk. 

The academics also revealed that camel milk lacks a major allergen called beta-lactoglobulin, a whey protein present in cow milk that can cause everything from upset stomachs and nausea to skin rashes and hives in some people.

However, the paper also pointed out that there was “significant overlap” between camel and cow milk when it comes to other allergenic substances.

While the findings do not give conclusive evidence that camel milk is the superior option, it does add to a growing body of literature that points to its health benefits. 

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Globally, cow milk remains the preferred option, by far. Cows currently account for 81 percent of the milk production worldwide. Buffaloes, goats, sheep and camels make up a significantly lower share – 15 percent, 2 percent, 1 percent and 0.4 percent, respectively. 

There are several obstacles that camel milk will have to overcome if it is to gain mainstream acceptance worldwide. For one, camels produce significantly less milk than cows. Whereas dairy cows can produce between 20 and 40 litres of milk each day, camels produce a paltry 5. 

Factor in the intensive labour required to get it, and camel milk can be prohibitively expensive – up to 242 patacas (US$30) per litre, according to Business Insider.

UPDATED: 28 Jan 2025, 3:41 pm

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