Three people have died several are injured and missing in Macau after Typhoon Hato hit the city today, according to the Civil Defence Centre. Typhoon signal 10 was hoisted at 11:30am. At 6pm, signal 8 is still hoisted.
Many casinos are closed due to floods and sea links with Hong Kong are cut due to the suspension of the jetfoils. All flights from the airport have also been canceled
Several luxury hotels have stopped checking in guests and will not take any reservations until further notice as they have run out of back-up power.
All guests and tourists are advised to stay in their hotels due to safety concerns.
The inner harbour of Macau is flooded and the water levels on Almeida Ribeiro Road are more than one meter high.

Macau is without electricity and water while the bridges that link the Macau peninsula to the Taipa island are currently closed.
Dozens of trees have fallen across the city and traffic is blocked on the main roads.
Residents have said the “buildings shook as if there was an earthquake.”
A government spokesman said various departments were coordinating their responses and called for the public to remain in sheltered areas or at home until the storm passes.