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Xi praises Chui’s ‘prudent governance’ 

“The central government fully recognizes the efforts [of Macau’s government],” said President Xi on his meeting with Macau SAR’s Chief Executive.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:44 am

President Xi Jinping on Friday met in Hong Kong with Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On who visited the city to attend celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

The Macau government has made positive and effective efforts in implementing the “one country, two systems” principle, administering prudently and safeguarding national security, Xinhua quoted Xi as saying.

“The central government fully recognizes these efforts,” Xi told Chui.

According to the Macau Post Daily, Xi said that the overall situation in Macau is now good and work on all fronts have made new progress.

He expressed hope that the Macau government would actively promote appropriate economic diversification, safeguard social stability, and consolidate Macau’s good situation through pragmatic and prudent governance.

Chui, for his part, thanked Xi and the central government for the care and support for the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR).

He pledged that Macau will seize the opportunities offered by the nation’s implementation of major strategies and earnestly carry out the central government’s preferential policies for Macau.

Macau will steadily advance the cause of “one country, two systems” principle by combining serving national development with improving its own development capacities, Chui said.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:44 am

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