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Rosario says private property ‘a bit expensive’

Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo Arrais do Rosario said Thursday he believed the general public would agree that private property is “a bit expensive”. Asked by reporters as to whether the government will come up with new measures to ensure that the private property market develops in a healthy way, the new policy […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:52 am

Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo Arrais do Rosario said Thursday he believed the general public would agree that private property is “a bit expensive”.

Asked by reporters as to whether the government will come up with new measures to ensure that the private property market develops in a healthy way, the new policy secretary hinted that he will announce possible measures in March when he attends the Legislative Assembly (AL) to reveal details of the 2015 policy guidelines for his portfolio.

Rosario, who became policy secretary last month after having served as Macau’s official representative in Lisbon, Brussels and Geneva since 2000, made the remarks at the Housing Bureau (IH) in Ilha Verde after the swearing-in ceremony of the bureau’s new director, Ieong Kam Wa.

Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On will go to the Legislative Assembly (AL) in March to present the first policy address of his new five-year term while his five policy secretaries will present their respective 2015 policy guidelines after Chui.

“I believe the general public agree that property is a bit expensive,” he said when asked by reporters about property prices in the private sector and whether the government will announce new measures to ensure that the market develops in a healthy manner.

“Please hang on and give me some time …I will announce [measures related to the private property market] when I present the [2015] policy guidelines,” he said.

Civic leaders have repeatedly slammed the government for the city’s skyrocketing property prices, urging the government to build more public housing units.

Analysts say that Macau now has one of the highest property prices in the world.

Talking to reporters, Rosario admitted that the progress of some infrastructure projects such as the construction of the light rail transit (LRT) system has been affected as some of his portfolio’s bureaus and offices currently do not have a director, and in one instance the director has been on long-term sick leave.

“To find people to fill the vacancies is the priority …I hope the public will give me some time to adapt and find people to fill the vacancies,” he said.

Rosario’s portfolio includes the Lands, Transport and Public Works Bureau (DSSOPT), Telecommunications Regulation Bureau (DSRT), Transport Bureau (DSAT), Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA), Infrastructure Development Office (GDI) and Transportation Infrastructure Office (GIT).

Rosario also said he would talk to the directors of all bureaus and offices under his portfolio before the Chinese New Year. (macaunews/macaupost)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:52 am

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